Subject and Masses. Psychoanalysis and the Politics of the Unconscious

Subject and Masses. Psychoanalysis and the Politics of the Uncon-scious  By Pietro Pascarelli.  The “Elvio Fachinelli” Institute of AdvancedPsychoanalytical Studies The European Journal of Psychoanalysis      IPRS – The Psychoanalytical Institute for Social Research The Department of Dynamic and Clinical Psychologyof University of Rome I, “La Sapienza” “Subject and Masses.Psychoanalysis and the Politics of the Unconscious“ […]


19th Febrary 2021 h 6 PM Speaker: Bruno Moroncini Discussant: Alessandra Campo Stefano Guerra Moderator: Raffaele Bracalenti Free Webinar BOOK NOW Book now! Days Hours Minutes BOOK NOW