Franco Lolli

Franco Lolli

Franco Lolli, psychotherapist and psychoanalyst of ALIPsi, is member of Espace Analityque and president of Litorale. He is a clinical supervisor at numerous public and private care facilities and a psychologist in charge of the SRPC of the S. Stefano Institute in P. P. Picena. He teaches at several graduate schools of psychotherapy and is the author of essays on psychoanalysis. Among them: La depressione (Bollati Boringhieri); Percorsi minori dell’intelligenza (F. Angeli); Prima di essere io (Orthotes); L’uno per uno (Poiesis); Inattualità della psicoanalisi (Poiesis). He is co-editor of several collections of essays and contributes to the newspaper “Il Manifesto”. He works in the Marche region (S. Benedetto del Tronto and Ancona) and in Pescara.
