Giovanni De Renzis

Giovanni De Renzis
Giovanni De Renzis is a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, member of the SPI, of the Italian Section of the IJP and the Elvio Fachinelli Institute - ISAP (Institute of Advanced Studies in Psychoanalysis). He was for many years editor of the "Rivista di Psicoanalisi". In the '80s, he taught psychotherapy at the School of Specialization in Psychiatry at the University of Naples. In the following decade, he was a member of the Ministerial Commission for the inclusion of psychotherapy in the National Health Service; he compiled the headwords "Desire" and "Imaginary", for ""Psiche, Dizionario storico di psicologia, psichiatria, psicoanalisi, neuroscienze" (Einaudi, 2006) and "Representation" and "Symbol" for the "Dizionario internazionale di psicoterapia" (Garzanti, 2012). Among his latest publications: Immagina puoi, in “La psicoanalisi – Postumano” (Astrolabio, 2018); Il segreto del sogno in “L'interpretazione dei sogni - Dialoghi sulla tecnica psicoanalitica” (Franco Angeli, 2019); L'uovo e la gallina, in Le parole della psicoanalisi contemporanea (Notes per la psicoanalisi, Alpes, 2019).