Paolo Vinci

Paolo Vinci
Formerly Professor of Practical Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Rome La Sapienza, is currently a member of the Scientific Committee of the School of Rome of the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies. An expert of Marx, Hegel and Heidegger, he also deals with contemporary philosophy and, in particular, with Adorno and Benjamin's thought. In recent years he has also dedicated himself to the relationship between philosophy and psychoanalysis, developing his own reflection, especially starting from Freud and Lacan. In addition to numerous essays, he published: Introduzione alla lettura del Capitale di Marx (Rome, 2016); “Coscienza infelice” e “anima bella”. Commentario della “Fenomenologia dello spirito” di Hegel (Guerini e associati, Milan, 2012); Soggetto e tempo. Heidegger interprete di Kant (Bagatto Libri, Rome, 2012); La forma filosofia in Marx. Dalla critica dell’ideologia alla critica dell’economia politica (Manifestolibri, Rome, 2011); Essere ed esperienza in Heidegger. Una fenomenologia possibile fra Hegel e Hölderlin, Stamen (Rome, 2008). Since 2006 he directs the journal “Pólemos. Materiali di filosofia e critica sociale”.