Rocco Ronchi

Rocco Ronchi
Rocco Ronchi is Professor of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of L'Aquila. He teaches philosophy at IRPA (Research Institute of Applied Psychoanalysis) in Milan. He directs the school of philosophy “Praxis” (Forlì) and the philosophy series Filosofia al present of the Textus editions of L'Aquila and Canone minore of the Mimesis editions of Milan. Member of the Société des amis de Bergson, he holds courses and seminars in various Italian and foreign universities. Among his most recent publications: Come fare. Per una resistenza filosofica (Feltrinelli, Milan, 2012); Gilles Deleuze, (Feltrinelli, Milan, 2015); Il canone minore. Verso una filosofia della natura (Feltrinelli, Milan, 2017), French translation La ligne mineure, Pour une philosophie de la nature (Mimesis france, 2020); Bertolt Brecht. Tre dispositivi (Orthotes, Naples-Salerno, 2017). Together with Riccardo Panattoni he edited the volume Immanenza: una mappa (Mimesis, Milan, 2019). With Bernard Stiegler, he is the author of L'ingovernabile: due lezioni sulla politica (Il Nuovo Melangolo, Genoa, 2019).