Romano Màdera

Romano Màdera
Romano Màdera was Full Professor of Moral Philosophy and Philosophical Practices at the University of Milan Bicocca after teaching at the University of Calabria and Ca’ Foscari University in Venice. He is , member of the Associations of Analytical Psychology AIPA (italian) and IAAP (international), of the Analytical Laboratory of Images (LAI, association for the study of the game of sand in analytical practice) and the editorial staff of the Journal of Analytical Psychology. He is one of the founders of the Open Seminars of Philosophical Practices and the High School of Philosophical Practices “Philo”. He called his research and about the meaning of life proposal “analisi biografica a orientamento filosofico” forming the Society of Philosophical Analysts (SABOF). Among his publications: Identità e feticismo (1977, new expanded edition with the title Sconfitta e utopia 2018); Dio il Mondo (1989); L'alchimia ribelle (1997); C. G. Jung. Biografia e teoria (1988); L'animale visionario (1999); La filosofia come stile di vita (with L. V.Tarca, 2003); Il nudo piacere di vivere (2006); La carta del senso. Psicologia del profondo e vita filosofica (2012); Una filosofia per l’anima. All’incrocio di psicologia analitica e pratiche filosofiche (edited by C. Mirabelli, 2013); C. G. Jung. L'Opera al Rosso (Feltrinelli, Milan, 2016); (with G. Cappelletty) Il caos del mondo e il caos degli affetti (Claudiana, Turin, 2020).