Sur “Massenpsychologie”. Un débat après-coup (French Version)
Sur “Massenpsychologie”. Un débat après-coup By Jean- Luc Nancy, Sergio Benvenuto, Divya Dwivedi Echange de lettres après le webinar du 23 avril 2021, “Nostalgie du père” JEAN-LUC NANCY (24 avril 2021) : chers Sergio et Divya, je voudrais ajouter quelques mots plus précis à la discussion d’hier puisque le temps a manqué : la preuve évidente […]
Social psychology according to Freud One hundred years later.
Social psychology according to Freud One hundred years later. By Sergio Benvenuto. The essay Group Psychology and The Analysis of The Ego failed to influence the broader cultural scene as it should have because in the last hundred years or so readings of psychoanalysis in a political key have been dominated by Freudo-Marxism. And, as we shall […]